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Open the Door to Other Worlds.

I sit here at my computer and by connecting my imagination to my keyboard, I'm able to disappear from this world to another. I meet actual people with fantastical experiences unfathomable to reality but are very real none the less.

All it takes is letting loose of what roots you to normalcy. If you spend enough time creating, your little creations live with you. It's nothing to fear. You're in control. You can shut the door by closing the book. But what's fun is that the book is there in your mind and will open again at your command.

It's a joy being a writer. I love C.S. Lewis's comment when he said "You can make anything by writing." Because you can!

Open the door to other worlds

Writing stories is my magic carpet and what's so glorious about this tapestry is that so many others have come before me, alongside me, and after me doing the same thing. Novel writing is like being offered the 'extended version' of life. It makes living a three dimensional joy.

I invite you to the worlds that I've discovered deep in that dimension somewhere because reading is the exact same experience! Please do turn a page and follow along!